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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tarif XL Turun


Ini program baru dari XL dengan nama “Tarif Termurah Rp 0,000001* Sampai Puaaaassss”. Program ini memberikan tarif termurah bagi pelanggan XL, setiap melakukan panggilan ke semua operator dengan kondisi dan syarat tertentu.

  1. Promo berlaku mulai 5 Maret 2008
  2. Promo berlaku untuk Wilayah: Jabodetabek, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Yogyakarta, Jawa Timur, Bali dan Lombok, untuk daerah lain tarifnya lebih murah.
  3. Promo ini dapat dilihat melalui media portal, di alamat:

Perhitungan Tarif Bicara, sbb:

Tarif Bicara ke sesama XL

Waktu bicara

Tarif 1 Menit

Tari 10 Menit

Tarif 1,5 Jam

Tarif Sampai Puas

Rp 0,000001 Setelah


Rp 600

Rp 600

Rp 600

Menit ke 1


Rp 600

Rp 1.200

Rp 1.200

Menit ke 2


Rp 600

Rp 1.800

Rp 1.800

Menit ke 3

Tarif Bicara Ke Operator Lain Dan PSTN

Waktu Bicara

Tarif 1 Menit

Tari 10 Menit

Tarif Sampai Puas

Rp 0,000001 Setelah

24 Jam

Rp 1.500

Rp 3.000

Rp 3.000

untuk 1 menit pertama


ke-3 ke-10

Demikian tarif yang saya dapatkan :D

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Chocolate is Better Than Sex...


  • There's no mess.
  • Because you don't have to fake it.
  • It doesn't make you sleep in the wet patch.
  • You can have it any where, any time, any place.
  • Foreplay isn't needed, get straight to action.
  • It can't get you pregnant.
  • Chocolate satisfies even when it's gone soft.
  • Because size doesn't matter it's always good.
  • You can have it any time of the month.
  • It comes in different flavours.
  • You can return to it if you want more.
  • You can have chocolate in front of your mother.
  • Good chocolate is easy to find.
  • Commiment doesn't scare off chocolate.
  • You are never too tired to have it
Taken from: wrapping paper of chocolate.

Three Thing of Life


Three things of life once gone never comes back
-Time, words & opportunity.

Three things of life must not be lost
- Peace, hope & honesty.

Three things of life are most valuable
- Love, self-confidence & friends.

Three things of life are never sure
- Dreams, success & fortune.

Three things make a man/woman
- Hard work, sincerity & success.

Three things of life that destroy a man
- Wine, pride & anger



Commandment 1.
Marriages are made in heaven. But, so are thunder and lightning.

Commandment 2.
If you want your wife to listen and pay strict attention to every word
you say, talk in your sleep.

Commandment 3.
Marriage is grand -- and divorce is at least 1000 grand!

Commandment 4.
Married life is very frustrating. In the first year of marriage, the
man speaks and the woman listens. In the second year, the
woman speaks and the man listens. In the third year, they
both speak and the neighbors listen.

Commandment 5.
When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of
one thing: Either the car is new or the wife is.

Commandment 6.
Marriage is when a man and woman become as one; the trouble
starts when they try to decide which one.

Commandment 7.
Before marriage, a man will lie awake all night thinking about
something you say. After marriage, he will fall asleep before you finish.

Commandment 8.
Every man wants a wife who is beautiful, understanding,
economical, and a good cook. But the law allows only one wife.

Commandment 9.
Marriage and love are purely matters of chemistry, that is why
wife treats husband like toxic waste.

Commandment 10.
A man is incomplete until he is married. After that, he is finished.

Bonus Commandment story.
A long - married couple came upon a wishing well.
The wife leaned over, made a wish and threw in a penny.
The husband decided to make a wish too.
But he leaned over too much, fell into the well, and drowned. The wife
was stunned for a moment but then smiled, "Wow! This stuff really works!"



In a second grade sex education class,
Little Girl :"Teacher, can my momma get pregnant?"
Teacher :" How old is your mother?"
Little Girl :" Forty."
Teacher : " Yes, Your mother could get pregnant."
Little Girl : " Can my big sister get pregnant?"
Teacher :" How old is your sister?"
Little Girl : " Nineteen."
Teacher :" Oh my yes, your sister certainly could get pregnant."
Little Girl :" Can I get pregnant?"
Teacher :" How old are you?"
Little Girl :" I'm seven years old."
Teacher :" No, you can't get pregnant."

The little boy behind the little girl gives her a poke and says
"See, I told you we had nothing to worry about."

School Jokes


Little Johnny returns from school and says he got an F in arithmetic.
"Why?" asks the father.
"The teacher asked 'How much is 2x3?' and I said '6'"
"But that's right!"
"Then she asked me 'How much is 3x2?'"
"What's the fucking difference?"
"That's exactly what I said!"

The teacher came up with a good problem.
"Suppose," she asked the second-graders, "there were a dozen sheep and six of them jumped over a fence. How many would be left?"
"None," answered little
Norman, you don't know your arithmetic."
"Teacher, you don't know your sheep. When one goes, they all go!"

Teacher: If I give you two rabbits and two rabbits and another two rabbits, how many rabbits have you got?
Paddy: Seven!
Teacher: No, listen carefully again. If I give you two rabbits and two rabbits and another two rabbits, how many rabbits have you got?
Paddy: Seven!
Teacher: Let's try this another way. If I give you two apples and two apples and another two apples, how many apples have you got?
Paddy: Six.
Teacher: Good. Now if I give you two rabbits and two rabbits and another two rabbits, how many rabbits have you got?
Paddy: Seven!
Teacher: How on earth do you work out that three lots of two rabbits is seven?
Paddy: I've already got one rabbit at home now!

10 Common Myths of Cancer


Has anyone ever told you that wearing a bra causes breast cancer?

How about that treating cancer can make it spread?

Did you think that it was true? If yes, you’ve been taken in by a cancer myth.

Myths about cancer can sometimes be convincing because they sound like common sense. In fact, they are not based on scientific evidence and are misleading and dangerous.
Illustration of a question mark The real harm comes when people make decisions based on misinformation or hoaxes, rather than scientific evidence or the advice of health professionals. When it comes to your health, it’s important to separate fact from fiction.

10 common cancer myths:

1. Myth Cancer is contagious.
Fact Unlike a cold or the flu, you cannot catch cancer by coming in contact with someone who has it.
2. Myth All tumours are malignant.
Fact Tumours can be either benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Benign tumour cells stay in one place in the body. Benign tumours are not usually life-threatening. Malignant tumour cells are able to invade the tissues around them and spread to other parts of the body.
3. Myth Cancer can spread as a result of treatment.
Fact In many cases, surgery is an essential part of the cancer treatment plan. Cancer surgeons, known as surgical oncologists, know how to safely take biopsy samples for testing and how to remove tumours without causing spread of the cancer.
4. Myth Bras cause breast cancer.
Fact At this time, there is no reliable, scientific evidence that shows a link between wearing a bra and developing breast cancer.
5. Myth An injury, like a bruise or sprain, can cause cancer.
Fact A fall, bruise or sprain does not cause cancer. However, a person may visit his or her doctor about an injury and, by chance, a tumour could be found at that time. There is no evidence that any type of cancer is caused by injury alone.
6. Myth Freckles are a sign of cancer.
Fact Freckles are not a sign of cancer and do not become cancerous. However, the risk of skin cancer is increased for people with freckles. Reduce your risk of skin cancer by following these SunSense tips. There is one type of skin cancer called melanoma that may look like a freckle in its early stages. Check your skin regularly and see your doctor if a mole changes colour or shape or if it itches or bleeds.
7. Myth A tan is healthy and will prevent sunburn and skin cancer.
Fact A suntan won’t protect you against skin cancer. A tan is the sign of damage or injury to your skin. Having what people call a base tan does not offer protection against further sun damage. For those who still feel they must have a tan, the Canadian Dermatology Association (CDA) recommends the use of self-tanning creams, applied at night, followed with a sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher. Remember, self-tanning creams do not provide sun protection.
8. Myth Light or mild cigarettes are less likely to cause cancer.
Fact Regular smokers who switch to these low tar and low nicotine cigarettes tend to adjust their smoking habits by inhaling deeply or longer or covering up the ventilation holes to get enough nicotine to feel good. This also means they are inhaling more chemicals and tar.
9. Myth Lung cancer is the only type of cancer that smokers have to worry about.
Fact It is estimated that smoking is responsible for 30% of all cancer deaths and is related to more than 85% of lung cancer cases in Canada. Smoking can also increase the risk of many other cancers, including cancer of the bladder, cervix, colon and rectum, esophagus, kidney, larynx, mouth and throat, pancreas, and stomach.
10. Myth Whether or not you get cancer is determined by luck or genetics. There isn’t much you can do about it.
Fact There is a lot we can do to prevent cancer, both as individuals and as a society. At least half of all cancers can be prevented through healthy living and policies that protect the health of Canadians.

Taken from: Canadian Health Network

A Short History of Email


by: Jimson Lee

This may feel like a mini-course in ancient history, but I am only going back 20 years.

Back in the mid 1980’s during University, my email was a address while my American associates had an “.edu” email address. Access to these systems was through a Telnet session at any of the school’s terminals. From home, I could dial-in to a SLIP server with a 2400 baud modem, and get my email as long as I had a Telnet client.

Those who didn’t go to College had access to a Freenet account, which was also accessible through Telnet.

When I graduated and had to pay for an Internet Service Provider, I accessed email through POP and SMTP with Outlook or Eudora for years until I needed the ability to access the web from anywhere in the world. IMAP helped bridge the gap as long as the mail client was setup on my work and home computer so all my mail, Inbox, Sent Items, and Drafts, were synchronized.

With the popularity of web based emails by the mid 1990’s, the big 3 were MSN’s Hotmail, Yahoo! and Google’s Gmail. People would change or have multiple accounts as storage space was often the biggest headache. It wasn’t long ago when 2 megabytes was the maximum storage space. Gmail was the first to offer 2 gigabytes of storage, and continuously growing.

Most web based email providers had the ability to download POP email, but your email “from” or “reply-to” address was usually your web based email address. This is acceptable for personal use, but not for corporate use.

At a corporate level, Microsoft Exchange combined with the Outlook client was extremely popular, and is still popular today. Exchange is a messaging and groupware server that uses IMAP as one of the many protocols to access email. It also has the Outlook Web Access feature which was more convenient than conventional web based email as it had your contacts, shared calendars and public folders.

Today, I still like using Outlook, as it offers a great “store and forward” mechanism: the ability to work off-line on my laptop. I can easily work in Draft mode on an airplane and connect to the Internet to synchronize my mailbox when back on land. Plus, my Contacts are synchronized with my Palm PDA or Blackberry wireless handheld device.

Sure, I could download my Yahoo or Gmail to my Outlook by using POP, but it wouldn’t synchronize any changes. It also depends if my mail was deleted on the server after downloading, or stored on the server. Sorting email can be painfully slow with Yahoo compared to Gmail’s lightning fast search algorithm, but you can’t sort by file size, for example.

Now that Gmail supports IMAP, by combining it with Outlook, I combine the best of both worlds. There are some features of Outlook I cannot live without, and with the popularity of social networking, integration with LinkedIn or Facebook makes it more appealing.

There is a trend for personal email decreasing in favor of Instant Messaging and text messaging via cell phone. However, Email will always have a place in the corporate world.

What is DSL?


by: Toh Poh

DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line. It is a service that makes the use of existing copper telephone wires for delivering data services at extremely fast speed rates. It does not hamper the existing telephone line. You can surf the Internet and talk on the phone, simultaneously.

DSL offers speeds that are around 5 to 25 times higher than a typical 56Kb dial-up connection. It is an always-on type of connection. This implies that websites would load quickly, downloads would be faster, buffering of videos would be fast and smooth and the domain of Online games would be illimitable.

Based on the types of service, DSL can be can be categorized in three divisions which are ASDL, IDSL and SDSL.

ADSL stands for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. It offers download speed of 1.5 Mbps and upload speed of 384 K. In order to acquire a ADSL connection, your location has to be within 3 miles of your local telephone office. Also, a DSL router is needed for this type of connection.

IDSL is a ISDN Digital Subscriber Line service which requires an ISDN router. It provides a connection speed of 144 K. in this type of connection distance is not a component to be considered.

SDSL means Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line. The speeds available under this type of DSL connection depends on the distance between your location and your local telephone office. The speed of downloads and uploads can go up to 1.1 Mbps.

Advantages of DSL

No installation of new wires is required. DSL uses the present telephone line to connect to the Internet. It provides extremely fast connection. Depending on the offer, you would not even have to pay for the DSL modem installation charges, since it is provided free by some of the companies on selection of the appropriate plan. The download rate is much higher in DSL connections. Many business organizations have gained the benefits of DSL. A DSL connection is very secure.

Disadvantages of DSL

The quality of your DSL connection depends on the distance between the DSL providers office and your location. Nearer you are, the better quality connection would you get. So, consumers located far from the local DSL office may face some trouble. DSL provide high speeds for downloading stuff but upload speeds are not that good.

DSL vs Cable Modems

The services provided through a cable modem can sometimes slow down or get hanged. It depends on the number of users accessing that particular service. But, in a DSL connection there is no such problem. The speed of DSL is consistent and high. This does not allow any kind of conjunction on the network. It provides more security than the cable modem connections. The popularity of DSL has risen to new heights which has resulted in disconnections and up gradations of the cable modem connections.

SEO Services Outsource? Of course!


by: John McLean

The most important SEO because of the outsourcing of services is to gain expertise, experience and analysis equipment which is not available locally. You can save a lot of money, which allows you to give your products or services at a price and increase your sales and productivity. SEO outsourcing services enables the company to focus more on value-added activities while its support services are supported by a provider outside. This will accelerate its organization and success increased through increased investment in the promotion of such zones, which offer greatest competitive advantage. This helps companies become more profitable and therefore leads to better service levels to provide services.

Whether you need to implement traditional or fully integrated, multi-channel SEO strategies, outsourcing solutions deliver proven, scalable and secure you need the infrastructure of order and the Information Management for billing, promotion of web sites and hosting, customer service, affiliate marketing, site marketing, Internet marketing online. This helps to build a solution tailored to meet the specific needs of your business. This also ensures that it remains dynamic and flexible enough to respond to changing market conditions.

Thus SEO outsourcing can be described as a management tool for managing and attaining the objectives of search engine of a company. This allows the company to think in the longer term goals for the organization in a more flexible way and create lasting relationships with customers. Businesses can concentrate on more strategic issues such as technical SEO problem becomes the responsibility of a company outsourcing.

Web outsourcing company promotions often need to retain skills, certifications, and the efforts to date in order to remain competitive. This effort can become as asset and a resource for their clients. Management of the technical staff and project becomes the responsibility of the outsourcing company, for your company can concentrate on its own business.

Thus, in an era of communication and the rapid development outsourcing SEO is strongly recommended. The tasks are designed to cheaper destinations by transational companies at a lower cost, which reduces manufacturing costs and production. SEO helped outsourcing of Internet services and leased lines has earned enormous popularity throughout the world and most companies have begun to adopt these processes to maximize profits.

Hiding URL Shortcut In Bookmark


This is trick to make hiding URL shortcut bookmark (Not shown in favorite menu)

  1. Open Regedit
  2. KEY_LOCAL_MACHINES/Software/Microsoft/InternetExplorer/AboutURLs
  3. Make value string with name shortcut you wish. Ex: Google
  4. Double click at “Google”, in the dialogue box “edit string” enter at “value data” the URL address. Ex:
  5. Done! Close regedit. If you use IE, at address link, type = “about:google”. So, IE will go to Google.

How to create screen saver from Flash Movie?


by: John Dell

Have you ever thought your Flash movie would make a great screen saver? This tutorial will show you what you should do to create a colorful full-featured SCR screen saver with great visual effects from any SWF project.

Complete the following steps to create a screensaver:

1. Open SWF Maestro SCR. If you do not have it, you can download it at

2. Click New to create a new project.

3. Open “General Screensaver name” settings and specify the name for your screensaver.

4. Open “General Version info” settings and specify version, company and copyright info.

5. Open “Files Files for compilation” settings and specify a SWF file you’d like to turn into the screensaver. You can also specify a directory if your SWF project loads data from other files (XML, JPG, MP3, FLV, etc.)

6. If you want to set your own icon for the screensaver, specify it in the “Files Screensaver icon” settings.

7. Open “Files SWF Player” settings and specify the Flash player requirements.

8. Open “Files Final screensaver” settings and specify where the screensaver should be saved.

9. If you want to add a ’settings’ menu for your screensaver, specify it in the “Screensaver Settings menu”.

10. If you want to create an “interactive” screensaver that will terminate on ESC key or other key combination, use the “Screensaver Termination conditions” settings.

11. You can also setup the context menu for “interactive” screensavers using the “Screensaver Context menu” settings.

12. Use the “Screensaver Installer” settings if you want to generate an installer for your screensaver. An installer is the user-friendly and comfortable way to distribute the screensaver. Once started, it will automatically install the screensaver on the user’s computer and enable it. If the user would suddenly like to remove the screensaver, he can easily do it using the uninstaller coming together with the screensaver.

13. Click Save to save the project.

14. Click Preview to preview the screensaver.

15. Close the Preview window and click Compile to compile the screensaver.

To install a screensaver in the system, just copy the compiled SCR file (including the DAT file if you choose to pack files separately) to the System32 subdirectory of the directory where the Windows operating system is installed. If you want to create an installer for your screensaver, complete the step 12.

7 Must Know Ways To Prevent Spam


By: Timothy Rudon

Spam is the bane of everyone’s existence. Unsolicited mail flooding mail boxes has caused many problems world wide. The widely accepted definition of spam is “Electronic communication that contains material of a commercial, solicitational, or illegal nature, directed as part of bulk distribution to any address.”

The first step towards fighting spam is to learn how spam works. A useful source is CAUCE or the Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email and the SpamCon Foundation. Log on to the World Wide Web and read about ant-spam laws, government stand against spam, and coalitions that are working towards prevention of spamming. Be sure to take part in anti-spam community efforts by joining forums and groups.

Spam can be prevented from entering your mail box by:

1. Determining the IP address of the sender and blocking it.

2. Use blacklist services like SBL ( or the RBL ( that maintain lists of IP addresses that are know originators of spammers. Blacklist services are efficient in blocking spam as they use the latest methods in preventing spam.

3. Use the spam guard services offered by email services like gmail and yahoo.

4. White list services where only mail from known addresses are approved by the recipient.

5. Use heuristic engines that look for keyword patterns that match know spam rules and block messages that contain known patterns. Well known heuristic engines include SpamAssassin that has a high detection rate.

6. Networked vigilance an open source initiative that involves continued maintenance of a data base and then the mail server asks a centralized VR node, Vipul’s razor for spam listings.

7. Using Bayesian filtering engines like SpamBayes , This has its uses as well as downside.

By: Timothy Rudon

Spam can also be blocked by configuring anti-virus software to scan emails for viruses. Desist from leaving your email address over the internet and signing up for freebies and news letters. Use a separate email account for this purpose. Stay abreast of anti-spam efforts and adopt the latest possible anti-virus software and firewall systems. Never open mails from people unknown to you and immediately report spam mails to the mail host/provider. Try standalone spam filtering software like Qurb eTrust Anti-Spam, iHate Spam, Spam Bully.

Experts at PC World reported that almost 75 percent of email is spam mail and that in their study they found that SpamCatcher was one of the most affordable and simplest of anti-spam tools. Another notable product was InBoxer which works only with Out Look.

Fighting spam is a world wide war and efforts are being made by software manufacturers, search engines, lay persons, as well as others.

Change IP Address


This is the tips to change your IP Address.

  1. Go to MS-DOS, with this way, click on “Start” then choose “Run”. Type in “command” and press ok.
  2. Type: “ipconfig /release” and press “enter”
  3. Type: “Exit” to leave from MS-DOS prompt.
  4. Right-click on “Network Places” or “My Network Places” on your desktop. And click on “properties”.
  5. In “Local Area Connection”, right click on “Local Area Connection” and click “properties”.
  6. Double-click on the “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” from the list under the “General” tab
  7. Click on “Use the following IP address” under the “General” tab.
  8. Press “Tab” and it should automatically fill in the “Subnet Mask” section with default numbers.
  9. Create an IP address (Just type 1 and 2 until i fill the area up). Press the “Ok” button here and press the “Ok” button again.
  10. Now you back back to ”Local Area Connection” screen.
  11. Right-click back on “Local Area Connection” and go to properties again.
  12. Go back to the “TCP/IP” settings.
  13. Select “Obtain an IP address automatically”. Press “Ok” and press “Ok” once again.
DONE! You have a new IP address now. :D

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